Why do I use acupressure points, and what are the benefits?
If you have ever been intune enough with an animal, nature, or even yourself, you have likely seen or felt the work of ying&yang. And I get it, sounds pretty fake most people don't believe it but I've been around a lot of horses and I've always been pretty perceptive to out of the box things enough that I took a deep dive into the flow of energy especially in horses.
Using acupressure points alongside massaging the muscles helps the horse release endorphins and cortisone. Both these substances relieve pain and anxiety and reduce inflammation in injured tissues or sore muscles.
So, on top of me opening up the sore muscles with massaging and stretching, I'm also opening up the pain receptors as well to let all the energy flow so the horse can release however they like. It may sound like a lot of woo woo stuff, but trust me, your horse gets it.